Wednesday 27 August 2008


I was never a massive fan of THE CURE but the few songs of theirs that I like, I REALLY fuckin like if you know what I mean? I used to have a 'Boys Don't Cry' T-shirt back when I was at college which I thought was just the coolest thing EVAH! Until I realised a T-shirt like that attracts dickheads and before you know it, you're hanging round with bloody goths and stinking of patchouli oil.
Anyway, GYBO is running a Cure mashup challenge at the moment so I figured I should have a bash.
There are plenty of mashups which have used 'Love Cats' or 'Close To Me' and there was that amazing PartyBen mashup with 'In Between Days' and 'Everybody' by Black Box (!) but I don't think anyone's used 'Lovesong' before?

So I'm humming the song in my head over the weekend and that darn Katy Perry record appears from nowhere. And, in my brain at least, I'm thinking "that doesn't sound too bad. Everyone and his dog has at least ONE Katy Perry mashup in them so fuck it, why not".
That's what I thought.
Well blow me down - they fit beautifully.
Didn't even have to adjust the pitch of the vocal.


Wednesday 20 August 2008


There's this TV ad at the moment for E.On or something and the tune they're using is driving me MAD!
It's so irritatingly catchy!
Take a listen...

To me, it sounds like Radiohead meets Penguin Cafe Orchestra (another favourite of the ad men!)

but it's neither of them - it's "Get Up And Go" by a group called BROADCAST 2000 who I don't really know much about. Anyway, after acquiring said choon, I realised it's only the intro I like and is therefore perfect for looping and messing about with!
So it's in 7/8 time? Hah! Repeat a section and shove a beat over it to make it 4/4. Now what shall we go with?
Rap pella? Nah, too easy.
R & B pella? Yeah!
Quick check through the 'Acapellas' folder and I got as far as 'A'... Ashanti. That'll do.
Bugger me, it's in tune.
Now I don't know if anyone else has experienced this but the versions of the 'Foolish' acapella available by nefarious means over the web are all cocked up. The one I had went a bit wonky at the 2.30 mark so I tried downloading another and that was even worse! Skipping and glitching all over the damn place! So I've made a patch up job using both of them but there is a whole section of the song that I had to snip, although I don't think the result suffers too much.
Anyway, waffle waffle waffle...
This is (for want of a better title) "FOOLISH GET UP"

Think I'll go work on something a bit more uptempo next.

Friday 1 August 2008

CARIBBEAN BOY (Radio-friendly version)

Some dude on GYBO asked for a radio-friendly version of this and I thought "Fuck it, why not? It's only one 'fuck' to remove. How fuckin hard can it be?"

The home of AudioShrapnel mash-ups, mixes and any other crap I want to show off.