It's not even a guilty pleasure any more, I just genuinely LOVE it.
The US has its fair share of outrageous daytime talk shows but JK has proved there's a niche market in the UK for white trash scum to have free DNA tests and lie detector results paraded for all to see. And it wouldn't be nothing without Kyle himself: the shouting, the sitting-on-stage, the goading, the catchphrases ("get off your backside and get a job", "it says Jeremy Kyle up there and it's my stage" etc.) and the ego-mania.
But the one thing that cracks me up are the opening credits.
There he is walking through crowded streets, contemplating the world around him and looking not unlike Paul Morley when he turned up in the middle of an episode of 'Hitman & Her' (couldn't find a Youtube clip but if you saw the show, you'll know what I mean).
There he is walking through crowded streets, contemplating the world around him and looking not unlike Paul Morley when he turned up in the middle of an episode of 'Hitman & Her' (couldn't find a Youtube clip but if you saw the show, you'll know what I mean).
The only thing letting it all down is the shitty theme tune: Farty pre-set brass stabs over a below-par Propellerheads B-side... Urrrghhh!
So when GYBO began it's 'TV Theme Challenge' last month, it inspired me to come up with THIS
The Jeremy Kyle Theme mashed with MSTRKRFT's Remix of 'D.A.N.C.E.' by Justice.
Oh yes.
Oh yes.